This is Judge Ito.
This is Judge Alito.
How bout them Cowboys!
If you are an abortion opponent and read Alito's dissent, you will likely be disappointed. It is technical and dispassionate; the issue on which Alito differed with his colleagues was whether the notification requirement constituted an "undue burden" on the right to abortion, under the Supreme Court's jurisprudence as it then existed. The opinion conveys no hint of Alito's own views on the topic of abortion, or even of his opinion as to how (if at all) the Constitution should bear on the subject of abortion. Rather, and somewhat ironically, his dissent is an effort to follow the twists and turns of Justice O'Connor's various opinions on the topic of "undue burden," and apply them to the record before him. The most one can fairly say, I think, is that Judge Alito's dissent in Casey does not evince any reflexive hostility to restrictions on abortion, and does reflect what most conservatives would regard as an appropriate deference to the legislature's role as arbiter of public policy. Anyone looking for the sort of fiery language that sometimes enlivens, say, Janice Rogers Brown's opinions, will be disappointed.
“The Board of Supervisors has said what they want to do and why,” McGowan added. “There has been no change. We have said that this is a land grab by big-money Sacramento developers. We want to protect the land from the bad guys who will sell off bits and pieces of it.A land grab by the Government, backed with casino cash from a huge land developer is the answer Mike?
Berlin: Authorities have issued what is believed to be the world's first industrial patent for a scientific procedure to convert dog poo into fuel briquettes and construction materials.
The Berlin man who filed the patent is confident he could be the first person in history to become rich from collecting dog droppings. "I could be sitting on a pile," says Karl-Friedrich Lentze, 57, an avant-garde artist who has filed for a patent with the European Patent Office. He markets the small chocolate brown briquettes under the brand name HuKo, derived from "hundekott", a polite German term, as opposed to "scheisse", used as a colourful expletive by pedestrians who step in hundekott. - Deutsche Presse-Agentur
100% not guilty! said OJ Simpson after being arrested for the savage murder of his wife.
"We are 100% innocent!" said Syrian dictator Bashar Assad after being accused of assassination by the UN.
1) Between 1999 and 2003, Galloway personally solicited and received eight oil "allocations" totaling 23 million barrels, which went either to him or to a politicized "charity" of his named the Mariam Appeal.
2) In connection with just one of these allocations, Galloway's wife, Amineh Abu-Zayyad, received about $150,000 directly.
3) A minimum of $446,000 was directed to the Mariam Appeal, which campaigned against the very sanctions from which it was secretly benefiting.
4) Through the connections established by the Galloway and "Mariam" allocations, the Saddam Hussein regime was enabled to reap $1,642,000 in kickbacks or "surcharge" payments.
Yet this is the man who received wall-to-wall good press for insulting the Senate subcommittee in May, and who was later the subject of a fawning puff piece in the New York Times, and who was lionized by the anti-war movement when he came on a mendacious and demagogic tour of the country last month. I wonder if any of those who furnished him a platform will now have the grace to admit that they were hosting a man who is not just a pimp for fascism but one of its prostitutes as well.
A war in Iraq risked exposing this incompetence, and the CIA began to wage its own preemptive war: Leaks from the agency implied that analysts were being pressured into their aggressive assessments. Footnotes filled with caveats became more important than primary texts. This campaign intensified after the war, with the failure to find stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction. It culminated in the leaking to the news media of the CIA's referral of the Plame matter to the Justice Department.
None of this should be mistaken for an attempt to minimize the seriousness of knowingly and deliberately leaking the name of a CIA operative. If that is what happened in this case, a full prosecution is not only justifiable but necessary.
Even so, this entire episode reeks of hypocrisy and blatant double standards. The result may well be a renewed interest in prosecuting leakers of classified information. That would be an unfortunate development for reasons long articulated by the political left--the silencing of dissent and the muzzling of whistleblowers.
The objectives of the convention are twofold. First, to raise the level of awareness of Vermonters of the feasibility of independence as a viable alternative to a nation which has lost its moral authority and is unsustainable. Second, to provide an example and a process for other states and nations which may be seriously considering separatism, secession, independence, and similar devolutionary strategies.
The Second Vermont Republic is a peaceful, democratic, grassroots, libertarian populist movement committed to the return of Vermont to its status as an independent republic as it once was between 1777 and 1791.
Sacramento -- At an April 13 meeting of a state Assembly budget subcommittee, two executives with California's prison guards union enjoyed an unusual vantage point as the committee discussed the state's corrections department.
Instead of sitting in the audience or at a table where bureaucrats or interest groups typically sit to testify, the members of the California Correctional Peace Officers Association were positioned on the raised dais -- spots normally reserved for lawmakers.
Department of Corrections administrators found themselves looking up at the union representatives, who sat alongside the assemblyman running the meeting.
Nigeria, home to some of the world's most notorious cyber crimes, has proposed a law making spamming a criminal offence for which senders of unsolicited emails could be jailed for at least three years.
Under the bill, which has to be approved by the National Assembly to become law, convicted spammers face jail terms of three to five years and could also be made to hand the proceeds of crime to the government.
"Any person spamming electronic messages to recipients with whom he has no previous relationship commits an offence," said a section of the draft law obtained by Reuters on Wednesday.
A Seattle man died after engaging in anal sex with a horse at a farm suspected of being a gathering place for people seeking to have sex with livestock, police said Friday.
The horse involved in the incident was not harmed, and an autopsy of the unnamed man concluded that "the manner of death was accidental ... due to perforation of the colon," a police spokesman said.
The Bush administration has been in office for a while, and they have been very busy trying to keep suicide bombers out of our shopping malls, and for that I am very grateful, but this seems like a 180 degree shift in policy. One I am pleased to hear."Our goal at DHS (Homeland Security) is to completely eliminate the 'catch and release' enforcement problem, and return every single illegal entrant, no exceptions. "It should be possible to achieve significant and measurable progress to this end in less than a year," Chertoff told a Senate hearing.
Staff Sergeant Rexroad spent 13 years with Detachment 4th Force Reconnaissance in Reno, NV. Some of his many military schools include USMC Basic Reconnaissance, US Army Military Freefall, USMC Intelligence Analyst, Mountain Survival Instructor, Logistics Clerk, and US Navy SERE. During Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003, Matt spent six months in Kuwait and Iraq. For his service in Iraq, the National Conference of State Legislators awarded him the Medal of Civic Honor. He has now completed his military service.
Matt earned a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a Masters Degree in Public Administration from the University of Southern California. He earned his law degree at night from McGeorge School of Law while working full-time in the Capitol as a Chief of Staff. He is a member of the California State Bar.
We must go beyond the evil ideology to the evil reality that spawns and fosters it. Ideology can not be the starting point, but the conclusion to the search for causes and origins.
Take the four bombers who a few months ago created carnage and mayhem in London's tubes and buses.
The striking picture that emerged from the media's scrutiny of every minutia of their menial lives was of four unexceptional men, with calm ordinary lives, no different from any Brit of their age.
The mere sight of Bush greeting Sharon as a "man of peace" days after the Jenin refugee camp massacre, as though those his bulldozers had buried alive were cockroaches not human beings, would have been enough to turn the moral universe of countless young Muslims upside down and send them on the road to nihilistic perdition.I'll tell you where the trail leads Ms.Ghannoushi, look in the mirror. People like you who are myopic when looking at the Arab - Israeli conflict are the ones keeping the fires burning in these monsterous pits.
The evils of reality always metamorphose into evil ideologies. The trail of the bombers' insanity leads back to these insane 'foreign' policies, which are destabilising the world, breaking it into opposite trenches and tearing the fabric of nations, communities and families apart.
Unless they are rectified, there can be little hope of our world emerging out of this monstrous pit of hatred and violence.
"We have an American citizen who buys land, pays for it with his own money, and he moves sand from one end to the other and the government wants me to give him 63 months in prison," the judge said. "Now, if that isn't our system gone crazy, I don't know what is."This case will be one to watch, especially if you own property. Maybe it will take the footing from under the Kelo decision.
But he is not a man to be pushed, as even his supporters concede. "A less principled man would have backed off long ago to close the deal, putting expediency ahead of property rights," Gregory T. Broderick, a lawyer with the Pacific Legal Foundation, which is backing Mr. Rapanos, wrote recently. "But Rapanos didn't build a successful life by giving in."
"We're accountable to the state, and the kids are accountable to us. The teachers are accountable to me, and I'm accountable to the community," Lopez said.Charter schools are taking hold in the inner city at a rapid rate. Jorge Lopez is the principal of the Oakland Charter Academy. He seems to understand what his job is all about. While some charter schools are filled with the same dead-end teachers and administrators, most are giving the parents in the poorest cities choices they never had. Discipline and accountability.
The Oakland Charter Academy was started in 1994 but didn't start outperforming its peers until last year, after principal Jorge Lopez took over.
He said the school's statewide Academic Performance Index rose 94 points last year, even though 90 percent of his students qualify for free or reduced-price lunches and many come from immigrant families. That jump far exceeded the state goal of 8 points.
A former chief UN weapons inspector has compared Prime Minister Tony Blair and George W Bush, the American president, to the Nazi war criminals who started the Second World War.
Scott Ritter, a former US marine, said the US and Britain's "aggressive warfare" in Iraq was similar to German actions in Europe 66 years ago.
"Both these men could be pulled up as war criminals for engaging in actions that we condemned Germany in 1946 for doing the same thing," he said.
Shortly before government relief started to trickle into the town, anger peaked when a group of people attacked the Aljazeera television crew thinking they were from a government news agency.I do hope the cave Bin Laden has been hiding in has collapsed. I don't usually wish death on people, especially on Sunday, but I can't help myself when it comes it Bin Laden.
Survivors keep asking: "Where are the government and relief agencies?"
There are more than 140,000 relief organisations in Pakistan, but no one seems to know the extent of the damage in this area, which seems to be the hardest hit.
-- “And right now, on the Internet, it appeared everything was falling apart. I had a real physical reaction as I read the angry online accounts. It was something between a panic attack, a heart attack, and a nervous breakdown. My palms were sweaty; I gulped and tried to breathe. . . . The little girl in me wanted to crouch and hide behind the door and cry my eyes out."
--"Faxing changes a document in so many ways, large and small, that analyzing a memo that had been faxed -- -in some cases not once, but twice -- -was virtually impossible. The faxing destroyed the subtle arcs and lines in the letters. The characters bled into each other. The details of how the typed characters failed to line up perfectly inside each word were lost."
The story was about how farmers say they were betrayed by their government when irrigation water was abruptly cut off at the beginning of the irrigation season, ostensibly to save 'endangered' fish; where federal marshals had to guard head gates against the actions of irate farm families; where public protest became the unlikely but desperate tool for typically quiet farmers to create public awareness; where Indians were pitted against non-Indians. It was such an emotional and heated action that Gasser said in hindsight it was fortunate no one was seriously hurt or killed.
A German company has come up with a novel way of beating bans on smoking in pubs - put the nicotine in the beer.
A new beer, known as NicoShot, is undergoing testing in Germany with hopes it can be moved toward approval in the next few months.
Each beer contains three milligrams of nicotine and a 6.3 per cent alcohol reading.
Its German maker, Nautilus, claims the beer is designed to help smokers quit the habit rather than make the drink addictive.
The United States and Europe clashed here Thursday in one of their sharpest public disagreements in months, after European Union negotiators proposed stripping the Americans of their effective control of the Internet. The European decision to back the rest of the world in demanding the creation of a new international body to govern the Internet clearly caught the Americans off balance and left them largely isolated at talks designed to come up with a new way of regulating the digital traffic of the 21st century.