Thursday, July 06, 2006

One year ago,

One year ago people went about their daily lives in the nations Capitol. They took the crowded subway to work . Just another day in the bustling city. Sipping your morning coffee or tea, eating a pastry. Smiling at the little girl across the car in her new dress and shoes, she must be on vacation you think to yourself. Looking down at your day planner going over this morning meetings and wondering if you could free up any time this afternoon to reserve a room at that nice little inn you like out in the country. I love living here you think, there is so much to do, and everyone gets along mostly. The culture, the people, the history. What could happen here?

This was not Washington D.C. or New York city.

One year ago, to some in London, the war seemed almost like a reality show. Yea, and the show sucks, I wonder when they will cancel it so we can watch something else. The war is over there somewhere, just another abstract concept, something to argue about, but nothing that effects you everyday life.

Then as London went about another day filled with the things that make up life, the war was laid on their doorsteps.

The bombings on 7/7 were not just a wake up call for London, it was message sent out to the rest of the civilized world.

We are not going away, and we want to kill you. Stay in Iraq, get out of Iraq, support Israel, don't support Israel, convert to Islam, don't convert, it doesn't matter. If you are not us, we will kill you.

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