Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Brilliant move.

Some may take exception to my opinion, and it is just that, but I think Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is pretty pleased with himself right about now. He kidnaps a dozen or so British soldiers, holds them hostage for a while, parades them on Al Jazeera to show the Islamic world that he is not afraid of the West and when the heat gets a little too hot, he lets them go and is treated as a wise diplomat.

He also gave the anti-war left a great public relations gift. How long will it be until Nancy Pelosi comes back from Damascus declaring that all you have to do to get results in the Middle East is talk to them? Oh I can hear it now.

'They are not monsters, they are people who value open and honest dialogue. If this administration would only talk to Iran and Syria like I did, we would not be over there fighting an unwinnable war.'

Sure Nancy, and all they want is to live in peace, quietly going about their 14th century lives if we would just stop selling them Coca Cola and Brittney Spears CDs.

Mahmoud may be completely crackers but he does know how to spin the all too spinnable left and undermine the President at the same time.

Crazy like a.... like a Jihadist fox.

1 comment:

Walt Lucas said...

Dang it!
I've been scooped.

NRO is he running a story like mine. Only better.