Wednesday, December 09, 2020

One day, when this is over, especially after the media tells everyone it was Joe Biden's 100 days mask wearing mandade that ended the Covid Pandemic, someone will start looking into the numbers. At least I hope they do.

Why were the schools closed? Why are parks closed? Is it to keep the kids safe? Not when you look at the data.

How many children commited suicide while cut off from their friends and the normal social contact of their lives? How many thousands, or hundreds of thousands of children developed serious mental conditions that may last their entire lives?

These numbers are from the CDC page.

Look at the number of total deaths per age group, then look at the number of deaths involving Covid that did not involve Influenza. The regular flu kills way more children than Covid -19 does.

If you look at the first three groups of children 0-14 years old. There have been 13 children die of Covid, that did not also have Influenza. Out of almost 60 million children. That is incredible.

When the news media puts up headlines about any young person dying of Covid, they do not say this is an extremely rare occurrence, about a one in a million chance of death, they post it to drive fear and clicks.

People who are scared, want to check in tomorrow with that media site, to make sure there isn't another scary thing heading their way.

That folks, is what is wrong with media. They are driven by clicks, viewers, and ad revenue. With all the free media out there, they drive towards sensationalism and more precisely, fear. Fear gets your attention.

Remember, when they are not charging you for their product, YOU and your attention is the product they are selling to big business. 

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