Thursday, October 21, 2004

Thanks to Hugh Hewitt

I have read most of the great vox blogoli submittions on Hugh's site. There are many funny, brilliant, and a few disturbed individuals out there. I would like to thank Hugh, or more likely Duane, for posting my blog on the subject. As the bloggeshere takes off and forms the third branch of the media, bloggers will act as the conscience of the media. Print and broadcast media will continue to blur the line between opinion and real news. Bloggers will check the facts and find the stories that they hide in the back pages, with the facts and maybe that one sentence that should be the headline.

I recently posted a letter I wrote to my local paper on an opinion they published about the assault weapons ban. The local paper stole half the article and the headline from the Denver Post.
I told a friend about the 'facts' that the paper used and how I pointed out their inaccuracy. He told me something that I still think about. He said that you can see how wrong they are on this story because you know something about the subject, just think about all the other stories they write that you don't know as much about. They are probably just as inaccurate.

This is where the bloggers are such a great resource, out there in cyberspace there are experts in so many fields that when a MSM reporter exaggerate or just flat out lie about something, they will point it out.

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