Tuesday, November 09, 2004

No Global Test for the next congress.

The Main Stream Media has had a chance to digest the President's victory for the past week. What have they concluded? If the President does not cave into the Democratic minority's list of demands, he has lost his mandate and has failed to bring the nation together. As we like to say here in Yolo County, can they smell what they are shoveling?
The President has a wonderful opportunity to bring the nation together, not by implementing the policies of the loosing party's platform, but by reaching out to conservative and moderate democrats. With a 'coalition of willing' in the Senate and the House, the President can accomplish the job the majority of Americans want to have done. The MSM and the Democratic leadership want to make the President pass a version of John Kerry's 'Global Test' before they will come together to pass legislation and judicial nominees.

Margaret Thatcher once said; "To me, consensus seems to be the process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values and policies."This is exactly what the Democrats are asking the Republican majority and the President to do in the name of unity. I for one am not buying this bill of goods. In fact, I won't even lease it. There are approximately 100 outcomes that follow this line or reasoning, 99 are very bad. The remaining outcome is based on the assumption that Democrat's policies are the best for America. As I think on this further, let me restate my opinion, all 100 are very bad. The President has extended his hand across the isle in the first months of 2001 and after 9/11, only to get thrown under the bus by a very bitter Democratic leadership.

Carl Rove retold just one example of the hypocritical behavior of the Democrats in congress on the November 7th broadcast of Meet the Press with Tim Russert.

"I remember well after 9/11 sitting with the president and a leader of the Democratic Party talking about the economic stimulus package. The president said, "Look, our economy's been hit hard on 9/11. We need to do something to jump start our economy. You know, my advisors at the Council of Economic Advisors tell me the number one thing we can do to jump start the economy is A." And this Democrat leader said, "Well, Mr. President, I can't get the votes for A, but I can get the votes for B." And the president said--listened to him and several days later laid out his package and included as one of the principle elements of it B. And that Democrat leader immediately went out and criticized it. And, you know, I was angry at the time. I remember the president saying, "Look, that's the way the town works. Let it go."

I hope that President Bush tells this Congress that he is leading this nation in a new direction, you can get on board or get out of the way.

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