Saturday, February 21, 2009

Looking like a two horse race for GOP Gov.

At the convention there seems to be two rival camps, Meg Whitman and insurance commissioner Steve Poizner. Old school California GOP machine versus a fresh face with high name recognition but no political record to prove or disprove her leadership abilities.

As former CEO of eBay, Whitman touts her financial background as a person who has steered a billion dollar company through the rough and tumble world of the high-tech private sector. Poizner is running on his conservative credentials. He has the party machinery behind him, but Whitman can tap into the deep pockets of her friends and supporters in the business world. This should be interesting.

I will try to ask a question or two to each of them, but I am the smallest of small potatoes in the press core. Almost a tater-tot if you will.

I ran into Meg Whitman this morning, she was off to a meeting but she did take a second to pose with me. Some of my friends at home would probably think I am sitting at The Junction making all this up if I didn't have proof.

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