Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Anita Creamer, bad journalism and intolerance.

Reading this morning's article by Anita Creamer, one could come away with the conclusion that the only intolerant and hate filled people in this land are (gasp) conservative Christians. What hypocrisy.
Creamer's conclusion that Dr. James Dobson was somehow 'outing' Spongebob is false and shows her bias and prejudice against conservatives, especially Christian conservatives.

So SpongeBob's a little light in the loofah.

Dobson, founder of the conservative Focus on the Family group, outed SpongeBob during an inaugural event speech.

"Does anyone here know SpongeBob?" he demanded.

Demanded? Hmm. I wonder if you have audio or video of that clip? Dobson sounds like he is asking a simple question to me. I have googled for an hour and found only one other quote from Dr. Dobson on this; Their inclusion of the reference to 'sexual identity" within their 'tolerance pledge' is not only unnecessary, but it crosses a moral line," James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, said in a statement released Thursday.

Maybe the problem here isn't James Dobson issue with using a very popular cartoon character to draw young children to a website that has content that is not age appropriate. Maybe the problem is parents that have watched Spongebob with their children, as I have, and like the cartoon's positive message will have no problem taking their kids to a website that Spongebob endorses only to have the question of sexual identity brought up to their five year old.

Creamer goes on to insult me again with this wonderful line of thinking.

SpongeBob teaches sweet little moral lessons, and he's tolerant of others, which has gone a long way toward turning him into a camp icon among some gay men.

Uh-oh. You see the problem here. Some people have no tolerance for tolerance, and for them, there's no bigger issue.

Way to keep your priorities in line, guys.

Don't place your values on me Anita.

Oh, I see, a Christian conservative cannot like Spongebob because he is tolerant. That is the most insulting aspect to her story. We are all a bunch of bible thumping hicks that are full of irrational fear and utter loathing?. I can't speak for all of Dr. Dobson's readers, but Christians are a very diverse group. Many of the people in my church would not have an issue with the tolerance pledge including sexual identity. I do.

I can't help but wonder how effective a tolerance pledge is? If a child takes this pledge then goes home to an environment of racism and bigotry, is this child going to be inoculated

Respect for others remains the ultimate diss to the especially narrow-minded.

Especially narrow minded, that's nice. Anyone who does not openly celebrate the gay-right agenda is especially narrow minded.? Who is prejudice and intolerance here? I am not intolerant of progressive liberal ideas, I think they are wrong. Going to the extreme, I think Osama Bin Laden's agenda is wrong, evil in fact, does this mean I am intolerant and especially narrow minded? No, it means a disagree with his ideas.

Anita, please let me raise my children. I teach my children about tolerance, respect for others, and keeping an open mind about people and cultures that you are not familiar with. I don't need a 'tolerance pledge' to teach my children that all men are created equal.

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