Tuesday, February 01, 2005

John Kerry,,,,,,,whew, that was close.

I was only able to watch a few minutes of the Tim Russert's show this past Sunday with John F-ing Kerry. What were 57,288,974 democrats thinking? He is Al Gore without the magnetic personality. It's a good thing Gore took credit for the internet, John Kerry would have invented it while on his tours in Cambodia running guns to the Khmer Rouge, with his secret CIA hat. Can this man stop lying to us? The election is over, you lost. Please have a modicum of decency and go away. Tell these stories to your 20 year old interns back in Boston that have no grasp of history, not a national TV audience. There are folks out there who won't let you get away with flat-out fabrication.
The Swiftboat Veterans were told to shut up and go away, you weren't there, oh you were there, well you weren't on his boat, oh, you were on his boat, well, you weren't John Kerry.

I cannot believe that people can't see this man for the fraud he is.

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