Thursday, February 02, 2006

The damage has been very severe.

Looking back at the press coverage over the Valerie Wilson Plame incident, you could have mistakenly concluded that our national intelligence capabilities had been somehow damaged by Scooter Libby telling a reporter that Plame worked for the CIA. The MSM wanted someone's head on their lodgepoles for that terrible act. They did not spend much ink telling why Scooter was talking about Plame, Libby was trying to get them to look at the bold faced lies Plame's husband was telling. They hoped the head they would get would be Rove's, but it seems the story turned out to be a one man cover up of a non-crime.

Who leaked what to whom, and when? These leaks must be investigated! The number of column inches devoted to the Plame scandal was enormous.

It seems the antique media is less worked up about the New York Times actually damaging our nation intelligence capabilities.
CIA Director Porter Goss said Thursday that the disclosure of President Bush's eavesdropping-without-warrants program and other once-secret projects had undermined U.S. intelligence-gathering abilities.

"The damage has been very severe to our capabilities to carry out our mission," Goss told the Senate Intelligence Committee. He said a federal grand jury should be empaneled to determine "who is leaking this information."

The MSM would like to look into the legality of the NSA wiretaps, not who published real intelligence secrets to sell books and get a dig in at the President. They don't seem too interested in who leaked what to whom and when.

My, my how things change.

1 comment:

Katy Grimes said...

I guess content and substance doesn't get headlines...