Saturday, March 04, 2006

A suicide car bomber without the bomb.

I can't wait for the sob story behind the poor tortured soul that lead this Muslim terrorist to smash his rented SUV into a crowd of students at the University of North Carolina.
Taheri-azar, a native of Iran, told investigators he wanted to "avenge the deaths or murders of Muslims around the world."

The MSM will start with interviews of his professors and friends, all saying how shocked they are that Taheri would ever do anything like this. He was just another 'peaceful Muslim', driven to action by the tyranny of George W Bush. Oh, and Dick Cheney too.

My description of Taheri-azar as a Muslim Terrorist may seen extreme to some of you, if you are upset, too damn bad. He is what he is, a terrorist without working knowledge of, or access to explosives. Can you imagine the carnage if he knew enough to fill the SUV with a fertilizer/diesel fuel bomb? Dozens killed, hundreds injured? I hope they put Taheri in prison for life, I also hope there a few Tarheel fans in that prison.


Tex said...

What? Did he look under his sink before he left home? There are a bunch of things you can make under there.

Free Agency Rules said...

The poor baby probably didn't get his vegatables when he was little and that is whey he did it!