Saturday, August 25, 2007

The lul before the storm?

I'm not sure if its just me but are you all that wrapped up in the 08' Presidential election yet?
I know if I lived in Iowa or New Hampshire I would be ready to throw my television set through the window because of the non-stop political adds, and the election is some 14 months away!

Maybe the reason for my malaise is by the time the California primary rolls around, the nominee has already been chosen in a few small States I don't care much about. I have often wondered why a few million voters in Iowa and New Hampshire get to play king maker while out here in California, where one in eight Americans live, we get to rubber stamp the nomination that was set in stone months before? I know if the small states didn't have early primaries, the Presidential candidates would fly over them on their way to where the most votes are and the small states would get a few yard signs and bumper stickers from them, thats about it. On the bright side, not being the first state to hold a primary means I don't have to endure a three month nonstop media blitz for our primary. Well, not so fast.

With the rush to gain prominence, money and attention, it seems like every state is now trying to cut in line to be one of the first battleground primary states. California is not an exception. We have jumped into the Super Tuesday group and will get some attention for for a change. While I like the fact we will most likely get the chance to meet or at least see the front runners for 08 nomination in person, close to home, I will not be looking forward to the media onslaught.

Here is my idea, any of you political campaign managers want to run with this, you will be on CNN and FOX shortly to explain this new campaign style. Here it is. The Non add.
They must be quick, they must be funny or entertaining.

Here is what I mean. Think of yourself as a Iowa voter, your television and radio have been running non stop attack adds for months, you are so sick of them, you hate the candidates faces and voices, you long for the days of that bearded guy yelling at you to buy Oxiclean.

Then you see an add with a four second title screen saying "We know you have been overloaded with campaign adds, even ours, you deserve a break. Please enjoy" Then you either show a funniest home video type clip, something with a funny animal or someone doing something amazing, maybe juggling funny animals, or you go the other way and show some home video of the candidate caught sleeping on his campaign bus, I don't know come up with your own stuff. I think the buzz of the non add would have great appeal and if your opponent stays on the attack, you double the buy and fade out with a four second title screen saying, "Wow, we must really be getting to "blank" he/she just keeps on with the attack adds, have a great day"

Now you know why I work with computers and cows and why I am not a campaign manger, but I swear this would work.

1 comment:

Mike Daley said...

Actually it is working in a similar sense. Not on mainstream tv, but on youtube. "obama gurl" certainly got all the attention they wanted. Any creative ideas on making a winning video for "Huckabee"?