Monday, August 27, 2007

Speaking of resignations......

Larry Craig shouldn't be in the United States Senate one more minute. You need more than a public apology, a teary eyed tale of a terrible misunderstanding, you need help. This should be your sole focus for the near and foreseeable future.

Larry, you are not representing Massachusetts, Barney Frank can get away with this sort of behavior. Barney Frank is openly gay and if his lover runs a gay brothel out of his home, hey its just Barney going a little over the top, the people from Idaho will have kittens over this, and well they should.

I have friends and family in Idaho, I think soliciting sex in a public bathroom is pretty high up on the 'we can't look past this' scale.

I'm pretty sure if Larry Craig showed up at a town hall meeting in Boise tonight, the locals would start boiling tar and plucking chickens.

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