Our planet is just five years away from climate change catastrophe - but can still be saved, according to a new report.
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) warns governments have until 2012 to "plant the seeds of change" and make positive moves to limit carbon emissions.
2112? Why not 2011? Why not 2088? Only five years? From today or from January 1st?
But the Climate Solutions document says technologies already available could be harnessed to produce enough sustainable energy to power the planet while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 60-80%.
Dang, why don't we do it if its so easy? Where is their detailed plan? Oh yea, it must include crushing all privately owned automobiles and demolishing all US factories replacing them with anarcho-syndicalist communes. What about the developing super polluters like China and India? Are they going to buy into this new plan?
"We can slash carbon emissions and meet global energy demand without resorting to the red herring of nuclear power.Oh, so as long as we don't use carbon free nuclear power we can save the world, right? If they are so concerned about saving planet, why do they oppose a safe, clean and plentiful, carbon free technology like nuclear power? Maybe they could buy and extra decade to save the world if the embraced nuclear power.
Oh this just in, maybe the scientists who claim the 'Earth is to end in five years so give me another 10 million in research grants' have found that when you make stupid prediction that scare the crud out of people and they don't come true, you look like the southbound end of a northbound horse.
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