Thursday, October 14, 2004

Help save Happy!

As a small rancher here in Yolo County, I can see both sides of this issue. The issue in question is whether a donkey braying in the night is worth $100 per bray? Happy is a 7 year old donkey that lives in Placer County with his owner Lisa Carpenter.

When you live in a rural community there are things that must be willing to accept. Livestock noise is one of them. When my neighbor weans his calves, they ball all night long. When my other neighbor sells his hay, the trucker comes at 3:45 am every week and loads the hay so he can get to Petaluma by 6:00 and beat the traffic. Does this wake me up? Yes. Do I like it? No.
This is the trade off I am willing to make not to hear bass thumping music coming from across the street every Friday and Saturday night.
I hope Lisa and Happy prevail in court, and I hope her neighbor gets some sleep.

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