Debra Lo Guercio is not only the editor, she writes an opinion column for a small town paper called The Winters Express. Her column runs under the title "
Because I Say So". I enjoy a good local editorial, especially when its well written and the underlying logic can be followed, even when I don't agree with opinion.
I just don't know where to start on her column. She must be trying to use humor to make her point, but her humor falls very flat. Debra's rant starts with Scooter Libby, stating that while he didn't personally out Valerie Plame, he took a bullet for those who did. Ok, Debra, you must mean
Richard Armitage right? Scooter lied to protect Dick Armitage? He is the one who leaked the name of Joe Wilson's wife to Novak. This is a fact, it is not open to interpretation. So if Armitage leaked Plames name, why are you not upset that Armitage is not stamping out license plates?
Oh, its not really about who leaked what, its about Bush and his unprovoked war right Debra? Bingo!, we have a winner.
For all the outrage the left has whipped up over Senior Scooter and the commutation of his sentence, they are really upset Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald could not find anything to indict Vice President, Darth Vader,,,,I mean Dick Cheney on. Until the liberals have Cheney's head on a pike outside their geodesic dome, they will not be happy.
Never mind that Fitzgerald knew it was Armitage who leaked Plame's name to the press for two years, all the while pursuing any angle to get at the Vice President's office. My take on this is Libby tried to wiggle out of a bad situation by trying to use the 'I can't remember who said what when' defense, but he did not 'out' Valerie Plame. He testified before a Federal grand jury for 8 hours, prosecutors asking the same questions in different ways trying to get Libby to contradict his own testimony, he did. Scooter is found guilty of lying under oath. So that is the scooter Libby story, and don't get me started on Joe Wilson.
However this is not the end of Debra's illogical hat dance. She goes on to rebuff Republicans who pointed to President Clinton's pardons saying that defense is 'so weak'. Well lets take a look a just a few of the pardons that Bubba passed out like party favors on his way out of the office. Debra does not go into any detail about those, I wonder why?
Marc Rich, a fugitive financier donates $450,000 through his wife to the Clinton Presidential Library and $70,000 to Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign and presto! Marc Rich gets a pardon hours before Clinton leaves office. Nothing fishy there, right Debra?
Carlos Vignali a cocaine dealer who paid Hillary's Brother $400,000 to represent him and Presto! The Cocaine dealer gets a pardon, not just a commutation of his sentence, he gets a pardon. Hmm, I smell fish again. Debra?
Maybe President Bush has this all wrong, he should have taken a half a million from Libby and given him a full pardon, that seems to be perfectly acceptable behavior to Debra.
Oh well, on to the next example of ass-hatery from Ms. Lo Guercio
Here is where she lets her true colors fly. She contends the way to finally be rid of President Bush is to find a lusty intern to 'lube Dubya’s tube' and that would be grounds to impeach him.
I'm sure that gets a chuckle from her friends but is that the best you can do Debra?
She tries to wrap up her rambling opinion by again pointing to facts not in evidence. Bush commutes Libby's sentence because Libby could spill the beans about Bush and Cheney lying about the reasons we went to war in Iraq. Ok, I guess Debra must know something we don't. She must have the smoking gun tapes or memos where Bush and Cheney admit they don't really have any reason to go to war with Iraq, they just like killing people and blowing crap up. Maybe Debra has the original pre-war intelligence papers written by the British, the Australians and half of worlds intel community stating that Saddam had no WMDs. I wish she would do us the favor of releasing those, that would be a big help.
I get it Debra, you hate George Bush. Really, I get it.
You can trot out your tired lines about trampling on the constitution and a cornucopia of high crimes but in the end, you just hate George W. Bush, and thats ok. You can write a forest's worth of opinions in your paper about the many ways W makes you crazy with anger, but your opinions are just that, your opinions.
I hope they don't charge folding money for the Winters Express, I know Debra doesn't have any of my money in her pockets.
Oh and just in case she wants to sue me, here is your byline Debra;
Note: This column may not be reproduced in any form without the copyright and byline By Debra Lo Guercio Copyright 2004 McNaughton Newspapers