Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Wally Herger to speak in Woodland, August 13th

I don't about you but I don't get to meet my congressman very often. I know in this age of exploding super nova shaped congressional districts, Congressman Herger's district is almost a rectangle. The 2nd district is mostly rural with a few medium sized towns placed right down the center along the I-5 Hwy 99 corridor. The bottom of the 2nd's rectangle splits Yolo County in half, the mostly rural half that is, and that's just fine with me. I would much rather be represented by Wally Herger than "Baghdad" Mike Thompson.If I were to be represented by my two sterling Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer as well as Mike Thompson, I would cry. Truly.

I need at least one representative in Washington who knows what end of a cow the hay goes into. I will leave the obvious pun about what comes out the ether end alone.

With that said, the Woodland Republican Club will be having its monthly meeting and Congressman Herger has agreed to drop by and say a few words. The exact time and place is still being worked out and I will keep you updated as we get closer, but I am looking forward to meeting my Congressman, even if I live at the very bottom of his district. My vote still counts.

1 comment:

21-50, Chief Dan Matthews, Reality Patrol said...

You can have Wally. As far as this 22-year career military service-disabled veteran is concerned he's just another draft-evading Republican chicken-hawk wrapped in a flag with his bible in one hand and hisplastic sword of rightiousness held high in the other.

This coward is quick to have his picture taken with veterans on patriotic holidays and make his hollow speeches in their support only to then return to DC and vote away benefits for those who have and do serve (unlike he, his family and his supporters). His voting record is the irrefutable evidence.

Wally and his ilk love the troops until they become disabled veterans from having done the dirty work of this administration whereupon they suddenly become a drain on the budget to be eliminated.

It's very easy for those who have never worn the uniform and whose children and grandchildren are not serving to blindly support a war from which they shall know no personal suffering but only profit in one manner or another.