Thursday, November 02, 2006

Don't sit home this weekend!

Ladies and Gentleman, may I present Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.

The pollsters have built in a 4 to 7 percent voter turnout advantage to the democrats in many of the polls you see. They are confident that conservatives and value voters will stay home on Tuesday in protest or with a sense of apathy. It is up to you and me. Literally you and me to get republican voters to the polls on Tuesday.

Imagine the fever swamp, Tim Russert, Wolf Blitzer, the rest of the MSM pundits asking how the polls could have been so wrong and when will the investigation start into electronic voter fraud perpetrated by Rove and Diebold. Isn't that, along with your very safety, enough to let the grass grow for an extra day to walk a precinct? It takes about two and half hours, it's great exercise, as well as a lot of fun. Walk two or three, man the phone banks down at you local republican headquarters, or if you hate walking or talking on the phone, drop off some pizza or coffee and bagels at headquarters to help out.

The 72 hour push is make it or break it time. As Hugh says, what ever the problem is, electing more democrats is never the answer.

1 comment:

SactoDan said...

I voted.