Sunday, November 05, 2006

Gloom, despair and agony on me.......

Those of you old enough and with bad taste will catch the Hee-Haw reference.

I have been watching a bit of the news coverage this weekend, it seems that the predictions are anywhere from mildly bad to downright disastrous for the Republicans this Tuesday. I know the pollsters are hoping for a low conservative turnout, but I still think we have a great chance at keeping the Senate and fighting chance at the keeping the House. It still hinges on the GOTV effort in the last two days, I just hope the polls don't keep you from calling and door knocking the last 48 hours of this campaign. I am meeting tomorrow night for the last strategy session before the election with our local republican group. I hope we can turn out enough republicans to get some down-ticket GOP victories here in California and locally.

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