Sunday, May 29, 2005

Why is the title of 'moderate' such a prize to politicians?

As the MSM shifted into overdrive to praise the 14 Senators who 'saved' the Senate from the evil of majority rule on judicial nominees, one has to ask why do politicians love to be labeled as moderate? It must get you invited on more talk shows, to better cocktail parties and you must get a better table at Tosca's in D.C.

What is wrong with being partisan? I am a conservative Republican. I used to be a moderate Democrat. The difference between the two, as far as I can tell, is that a moderate Democrat wants to get along with everyone and will compromise his principals to do so. The same with moderate Republicans. What is wrong with saying what you believe and voting with the same convictions?

I know that I am over-simplifying this to the extreme. D.C is D.C. and to get your bill passed, you must hold your nose and vote for their bill, I get it. But spending a little more pork on the Robert Byrd memorial center for the study of pop-tarts in West Virginia is different than voting against your party on judicial nominees. You remember your party right? Those extremist who gave you the money to win that seat in which you sit? The folks who wrote those first checks to help you get elected. Yea, those people. I am sure that if you would have told them when the time comes, that you would not support an up or down vote on Circuit Court nominees, you may have had a different outcome in your election.

Please list the great moderates of our time.

Neville Chamberlain? Peace in our time? Sure ask the Poles.

Jimmy Carter? "Khomeini is a man of faith, a believer, we'll get on fine together".

George Bush 41? No new taxes, ok but you promise to cut spending.

Hard to find these most elusive creatures, isn't it?

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