Friday, July 28, 2006

What does peace look like?

This is not what peace looks like.

To adequately understand the solution to war, you must first determine the meaning of peace. What it is;
To achieve peace both sides must want it, you cannot have a unilateral peace.
Peace is not the absence of war. Peace is when one side defeats the other and imposes it's will on the defeated people. Like I have said many times, as terrible as war is, there is something much worse than war, its loosing a war.

Ask those who oppose war how they would define peace, you may get answer like this; when both sides sit down face to face and agree to stop killing each other. I would ask them this question; Give me an example in the last 100 years where that has taken place without one side having defeated the other. I would like to hear their answer. Egypt and Israel? Not really, Israel could have crushed Egypt and Sadat knew it.

Today we see the pictures of destruction coming out of Lebanon and on a few occasions the MSM will show the destruction in Israel. As terrible as these images are, there is a context that must be explained to the viewer. This is war. War is terrible, but sometimes necessary to bring about lasting peace. Stopping the fighting for the short term goal of 'peace' is a adolescent response to the situation. A response put forth by the Madeline Albrights, the John Kerrys and Jimmy Carters of the world. It is the left's response to war. Stop it now!

Hezbollah, Hamas and Al-Qaida don't want peace, they want to kill their enemies down to the last man, woman and child. When they start loosing, they may want 'peace' only to buy time to regroup, re-arm and recruit more terrorists. Why cant the Democrats and liberals understand this? Please show me where I am wrong. Please tell me, how do we live in peace with people sworn to murder us? I want more than peace, I want peace and quiet. To show you what I mean, we need to look back a few years to find real and lasting peace.

Germany and Japan are examples of how you achieve lasting peace. It is not pretty, many innocent and not so innocent people are killed. Sometimes thousands, sometimes millions. Here is what real peace looks like.
Berlin 1945

Dresden 1945

Tokyo 1945

And today, more than 50 years later, what do find there? Allies. Not very good allies in the case of Germany but two nations who have not fired a shot in anger in generations. People who want peace.
Dresden today

Berlin today

Tokyo today

So to refresh your memory. To have lasting peace both sides must want it, and one side must be defeated or very close to it, and the loosing side must submit to the victor. The victor by the way has a responsibility to make sure that the defeated side changes its ideology so as to never become a threat again. When there is real peace, the victor should help rebuild what he has destroyed. But the vanquished must know, if it there is any backsliding, the rubble returns.

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