Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Cindy Sheehan; irrelevant, impotent, and just a little bit sad.

Cindy Sheehan was convicted, again, this time for trespassing. She was trying to deliver an anti-war petition to the U.S. Mission to the United Nations. I know you Code Pink folks get stirred up when ever Cindy speaks, but please, can we just put her out to pasture with the rest of the 60's peacenicks and talk about how we are going to achieve victory in Iraq?

I don't care if you think Bush lied, I don't care if you think Cheney and Halliburton made up the Iraq war to get rich, I don't care if you think the World Trade Center was taken down by controlled explosives and the people who were on the planes are living in double secret federal protection somewhere in Area 51, I really don't care. Can you just focus on the fact that at this very minute there is a conference going on in Iran where Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his buddies are figuring out how the world miscounted 5.9 million dead Jews during the holocaust? They may be working on a way to finish what Hitler started. We have very dangerous enemies in the world.

I know, I know, we made them mad by invading Iraq or helping Israel or putting a military base in Saudi Arabia or publishing cartoons of Muhamed, or distributing Kevin Federline's CD, or whatever sends these killers into the streets to murder and decapitate as many infidels or Sunnis or Shiias as possible. Can we just focus on the situation at hand? We are at war.

Bringing our soldiers home will not make you safer, quite the opposite in fact. Call it what you will, a phased surrender, a drawdown surrender or just a plain old white flag-helicopter from the rooftops at Saigon surrender, if we abandon our position in the region, between Iran and Syria, we will have to go back. This time with a few dozen B-52s to destroy Baghdad, Fallujah, Tehran, Damascus and a few other terrorist training sites. The problem will be, the reason we came back. More than likely that will be be a mushroom cloud over the city of New York or Seattle, or even Tel Aviv. As bad as the situation looks in Iraq, it is kind of like holding a wolf by the ears, you don't like it very much, but dare not let go.

Cindy and her new communist friends hate America, good for them. Put a few more bumper stickers on your Prius, but for crying out loud, leave us alone. We don't want to hear from you, we don't care how many times you get arrested to stick it to the man, we don't care if you think Hugo Chavez is a great guy and will weep once Castro is dead. Go home, or at least hang out at some 'fair trade' coffee house and bend the ears of the flip flop, Che Guevara t-shirt wearing barista . As for me, I have heard quite enough.

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