Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Holly thunderstorms Batman

I know its getting close to October, but wasn't it 100 degrees a few weeks ago?

The first rain of the year fell in Esparto this afternoon ushered in by the dark gray tones of the gathering thunderstorms. We had close to a 1/4 " of rain at our place in a half hour and the horses were not impressed one little bit.

The rain is ok, the flash of the lightening makes the horses feel like Paris Hilton on the red carpet and the thunder was like being at a Judas Priest concert. Not that I ever take my horses to metal concerts, at $75 a ticket, it would get awfully expensive, plus you would have to sit in the general admission seats. I'm more of a ten rows back, speakers blowing your hair back kind of concert goer, well at least I used to be.

When you get home, and its pouring rain, you suddenly remember all the things you left outside that really should be outside.

Oh well, I love the smell of rain, I think I'll go sit out on the front porch and take it in.

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