Friday, February 08, 2008

Friday's random silliness

And by random, I mean random.
Here is your assignment, if you choose to accept it.

You are going to release an album, tonight. Here is all you need.

A name for your new band, a name for the new album, and cover art.

Go to Wikipedia random - what ever it is, that is the name of your band.
Go to Random Quotations - the last four or five words of the first quotation is the name of your album.
Go to Flickr - explore the last seven days and the third photo, no mater what, is your album cover. If you have a photo editing program, presto, you just released your album.

Here is mine.....
I am sure Maria won't mind if I name my band after her.

I know her lawyers would litigate me into oblivion so I came up with a second album. Here it is

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