Friday, September 10, 2004


I have been enjoyed watching the "Typewritergate" story unfold as more actual experts come forward to say that the documents Dan Rather and 60 Minutes used in their hit piece on the President are forgeries. Just think if this were thrown out Sunday night before the election. It reminds me of the DUI story the Gore camp tossed out the weekend before the 2000 election. This might have been worth 1-2 points in some swing states and done real damage with no time to refute the memos. This must be "use it or lose it" time in the Kerry Camp. They know that if they don't do something to counter the Bush bounce, Kerry will be back down to his core numbers, 40- 42% of the electorate that would vote for a anyone with a "D" next to their name. The Kerry campaign is leaking, and waves are getting bigger everyday.

I hope the Vice President did not strike a match to a fuse last week when he said that a wrong choice in this election could lead to another larger attack. Dick Cheney is smarter than me by a factor that I cannot guess, but if Al Qaeda does attack America before the election the Kerry camp will run a spot with VP's quote round the clock to throw it back in his face.

Even though I am starting a new business and do not have money to spare, I am donating to the National Republican Senatorial Committee. If we can return sanity to the US senate and have a 6 or 8 seat majority, next election cycle we can start to back more conservative challengers to the milk-toast moderate republicans.

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