Saturday, September 11, 2004

When this war is over......

I have been blog surfing the past week and have come upon a few main themes about the war on terror.

1. That the President is not fighting the war on terror the right way.
2. The war is not worth fighting, we should withdraw our troops now.
3. The war is a scheme thought up by Cheney and Haliburton.
4. The President is doing the right thing, and should stay the coarse.

Now I'm sure we could get to #3422 because there are a bunch of folks with crazy ideas out there. So I will add one more, mine.
We are not yet fighting this war with both hands. No offence to our brave troops on duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, I support you with all my heart and soul, and pray for you all the time. However, I would like to point to the frame of mind that I don't think we have yet and will need to win this war. It was best summed up by Admiral William "Bull" Halsey. He was looking over the the carnage and wreckage of the fleet late on December 7th, 1941.

He said " When this war is over the Japanese language will be spoken only in Hell."

I am not saying that we should round up all the Muslims in the world and summarily execute them, far from it. But we do need to look at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a scar in the earth in Pennsylvania and get this fresh in our minds.

When this war is over the extremist Wahaibi form of Islam will be practiced only in Hell.

I am heartened to see some in predominantly Muslim countries are publicly rejecting this form of Islam for the abomination it is. Al Arabia, an all Arab language TV network, has made these statements recently. Good for them. Take back your religion from these terrorists. Shut down these hate filled mosques, teach your children that the people running your country are the problem, not a country 3,000 miles away.

If we get attacked again, and I think we will despite all the money and man-power we are spending to prevent it, the gloves will come off. By that I mean a broadcast to the people in Tehran going something like this " Hello, sorry to disturb you dinner but anyone that does not wish to be turned to ash should exit the Tehran by noon tomorrow, thank you, that is all". Follow that by a note Syria and Lebanon and the Palestinians asking who would like to be next.
We won the second World War by pounding the Nazis and the German countryside into submission. The civilian casualties were terrible, but three generations of German people have been born since then and they are not too inclined to fight to this day. The same with the Japanese, before the war, most of the Japanese public looked upon the Emperor as the embodiment of God. If he said go to war, you obeyed with no questions asked. They received a very costly education from the U.S. about the mortality of the Emperor and the Empire.

I believe this is a World War, and we should be fighting it as one. You are either with us or with the terrorists, well, its time to pick sides because the cruise missiles will be flying through a window near you soon.

Thank goodness I am not President of the United States, or worse yet, Emperor of Earth.

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