Friday, September 10, 2004

We will kill you last.

I was looking at a site and saw the text of Zell Miller's introduction of John Kerry at the Democratic Party of Georgia's Jefferson-Jackson Dinner. It’s Zell speaking glowingly about John Kerry. They use it to make it look like Zell has gone crazy. It makes me chuckle, it is so painfully obvious why Senator Kerry is behind in the polls. Look at the date - March 2001.
This is a position they cannot win from. The Democrats cannot be the September 10, 2001 party and lead this country. In the post-9/11 world we live in, things have changed. Most of the liberals that I speak to are so anti-Bush that they are blind to the way the rest of us in the country thinks.

I am an ex-democrat, believe what you will about George W Bush, he is not sitting in his office with Dick Cheney scheming about ways to put poor people out on the street or how he can make more money for Halliburton. I honestly believe he gets a briefing every morning that would make you or I want to crawl under our beds. There are people, Islamic terrorist mainly, that want to kill you and I. Not because George Bush is the President, because they have been taught to believe that America is the main force of evil on the planet. They believed it when Bill Clinton was in the White House, they believe it now, and they will teach their children the same thing.

They must be stopped. By stopped, I mean killed, period. As the people in Russia just discovered, when the terrorists busted through the doors of that school last week. Reports from the victims that survived quoted the terrorists as shouting "Allahu Akhbar! as they murdered the defenseless children. God is great? What kind of culture teaches it's people that they way to glorify God is the deliberate murder of children.

Senator Kerry is the right man for his state. He can afford to be wrong on national defense all the time as a Senator. There are 99 other votes to cancel out his mistakes. As President he will join the Germans and the French who will negotiate with the terrorists and come away with this bargain; "We will kill you last".

No thanks.

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