Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Bring the troops home now?

Most Americans who bothered to watch the President's speech last night had long since made up their minds about the purpose and progress on the war in Iraq. If you supported the war against terror before, you feel justified in your support after the speech. On the other hand, if you are a Moveon/Howard Dean Democrat, you probably didn't make it through the first ten minutes of the broadcast before you threw a Birkenstock at the television, screaming liar.

The Moveonpac.org folks already had its talking points and letters to the editor links up before the speech had aired. What is their Plan? They want to bring the troops home now. Have the UN train the Iraqis. Cut our losses, our presence there is exacerbating the problem, Bush lied! Quagmire!

Nice plan.

I believe the President has an exceptional exit strategy. It is called victory.

Victory is when the Iraqi government has a sufficient force to protect itself from these foreign terrorists. If the United States pulls its forces out of Iraq right before the Iraqi government can defend itself, it will set in motion the largest genocide since Pol Pot in Cambodia. Lebanon will see the Syrian tanks run through the streets as the secret police execute the leaders of the democratic reform movement. The West Bank and Gaza will erupt into a full scale war where thousands of innocents on both sides will perish. Sounds like a great plan.

It just sounds better all the time.

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