Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Dean is crazy, but remember, hardmoney fund raising is only part of the picture.

As I giggle at Howard Dean's spiral into another dimension of lunacy, I am wondering out loud if he maybe crazy like a fox? Could this Republican bashing that seems to be hurting the DNC's fundraising among center left democrats, be aimed at another group? George Sorros and the other billionaires that eat up this hate-speech up could be the real target. In fact a few large 527 donors could easily surpass what the DNC raises in hard money. Could he be whipping the far left's deep pockets into action? Could be.

I don't think this strategy would pay off for the DNC. The problem is money doesn't vote, people vote. While your fundraising chests may be full, if your party's message is way outside the political mainstream, you will not get the swing vote in America. With roughly 10% of Americans that are truly swing voters, I don't think that calling Republican evil will win may converts.

1 comment:

Lucy Stern said...

I think Howard Dean is crazy. I don't think he is crazy like a fox, he is just crazy!!! I think he is going to hurt the Democratic party, which is fine by me. I wonder how Hillery will get rid of him? Hummmm