Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Class of 2005, a word or two if I may.

This morning I was driving back from a meeting listening to Eric Hogue on KTKZ. At one point in his show he was making a reference to the Roseville High graduating class speakers and who they would be quoting in their remarks. I believe some of the 'historical figures' that will be quoted include Cinderella, Pocahontas, Jimminy Cricket and another that slip my mind.

He asked for any words of wisdom for these high school students ready to be set loose on the world. I called in with a quote from my father, who in his own rural wisdom said.

"When someone says you have great potential, its another way of saying you haven't done squat"

So graduates, take heed from this piece of useful advice. Right now on a couch somewhere in their parents basement sits a 31 year guy eating a bag of doritos and blogging about how he could have done a better job directing 'Revenge of the Sith'. He has been to about four junior colleges, trying to 'find himself', attended three weeks of ITT Tech but just couldn't get with all that programming stuff. Now he sits in front of his computer trying to find someone to dazzle with his keen intellect. Do you get the picture?

That kid, when he graduated from high school, had a lot of potential.

Go out and do something, even if you fail.
Like Nike says, just do it.

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