Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Schroeder to Chirac, don't let the people vote stupid.

As the EU constitution goes back to Brussels for a re-write, the French and German press are slamming Tony Blair. Makes you want to go hmmmm.

Newspapers in Paris and Berlin said Prime Minister Tony Blair had undermined the French and German leaders by ignoring their appeals to move ahead with the referendum despite its rejection by French and Dutch voters in the last week.

I thought that all parties had to ratify the constitution for it to become the law of the land? How does Blair's reschedule of the referendum on the EUC undermine the French and German leaders?

I love how Germany handled the EUC vote, parliament voted on it's ratification, not the people. You just have to love socialism.

Everything is ok. That's a good little peasant, now shut up and eat your gruel!

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