Sunday, November 06, 2005

How many calls did you receive this weekend?

Three and counting for me.

"Hello , this is the Governor, blah blah blah"
"Teachers police and firefighters are counting on you, blah blah blah"
"This is Judge Wapner, blah blah blah"

Just a few of the many 'canned' calls I have received this weekend. Do these calls work? They must, or some one is spending a few million dollars and getting little in return.

Do these 'canned' calls influence you?
Do calls from a real person influence you?


Tex said...

Random numbers and/or # and * will quickly end the message and usually go to a voicemail. Sometimes you can get lucky and hit the password, and change the message.


NotClauswitz said...

The taped calls don't work for us. I/we (wife also) have gotten so tired of Media run-up electioneering, negativity, and propaganda-spin that we've chosen the absentee ballot method in order to ignore all the crap they spew forth during elections - this year we went Permanent.
Vpote YES on 75 and 77!