Monday, September 05, 2005

Tribes a great post

I have been around construction for a good part of my life and have heard more cursing than I ever wanted to hear. I used to be pretty good at it too. Now, there are a few times where I looses my temper and curse now and again. When I smash myself with something heavy, or when I spend two hours installing a water pump on my Jeep only to find I forgot to install the gasket.

My point is that there are times when a thoughtfully induced four letter word is not condoned, but rather understandable when making a point. While I don't usually link to R rated post, Bill Whittle from Eject, Eject, Eject has written a post that you should read.

That has nothing to do with me being white. If the blacks and Hispanics and Jews and gays that I work with and associate with were there with me, it would have been that much better. That's because the people I associate with 'my Tribe 'consists not of blacks and whites and gays and Hispanics and Asians, but of individuals who do not rape, murder, or steal. My Tribe consists of people who know that sometimes bad things happen, and that these are an opportunity to show ourselves what we are made of. My people go into burning buildings. My Tribe consists of organizers and self-starters, proud and self-reliant people who do not need to be told what to do in a crisis. My Tribe is not fearless; they are something better. They are courageous.

I only hope that I can find my name among those registered on the membership of the Gray Tribe.

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